Saturday, January 3, 2015


This morning George is restless. He gets like this when he needs to wait for someone. I have been stretching out his breakfast, cereal and coffee, followed by fruit, and finally toast. He then had a shave - he can't do this properly but if he makes and attempt it is easier for a caregiver to tidy it up. Unfortunately he wakes early and so it is often a long wait for others, in this case a caregiver to shower and dress him. At the moment he is walking up and down and round and round and round!! Others have no idea of how difficult this can be in a restricted space.

I have just found, in our old house, some letters written by his parents before they were married. An interesting read and a lovely slow pace of life then (90 years ago). I doubt that they are of interest to others but I remember George being thrilled when he found them after his mother's death. Actually he read the letter from his father at his mother's funeral which was lovely although my mother told him he couldn't read the final phrase which said 'Yours to a cinder'. I remember one of my mother's cousins throwing away many old photos and letters as she knew that no one else would want them. With our limited space this is something I have to do too. George was a great hoarder so there is a lot to go out.

Yesterday a present arrived for George from his son. He was so excited. It was a CD which I will put on his MP4 player for him so he can listen to it. Music is great for those with Alzheimer's and there is some interesting research in this area.

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