Wednesday, April 30, 2014


George is being assessed on Monday so that is good. He is certainly getting worse. In this assessment they will also look at services they can give to help me.

I am very excited today as I am seeing my grandson's - the first time in a long time. Luckily it is a fine day so we will have a good time.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Continuing to deteriorate

George is continuing to deteriorate. It is such as funny disease as he remembers all the thing he and his son did during his son's trip here. He had a great time. He remembers new people he meets names (all short term memory). He is still interested in what is going on in the world. He still has a lot of long term memory but....

Cognitive skills are continuing to deteriorate. He uses continence pants (these are fantastic) all the time now - these work well but when he has been to the toilet (during the day) he comes out with his pants (longs and continence pants) around his ankles and I have to tell him to pull up first the continence pants and then his long pants - he is wearing track pants all the time now as they are easier to manage.

He has been due for an assessment since February but PMH are 'behind'. Let us hope it is sooner rather than later.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

They are fantastic

Wow I am a happy caregiver, solved a problem!!!

Onesies are fantastic. I put a disposable pair of pants on George at nights (he now wears these all the time) and then put on a onesie as he is unable to take this off himself. These do not feel wet even when they are used so in the morning: dry bed, no mess anywhere and I just take them off and dress him in pyjama pants and a pad until the caregiver arrives for a shower; works well and takes a lot of stress off me. I am no longer needing to clean every morning. Long may it last.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Another night

Last night George required 3 changes. He wakes, takes off his pants (in the bedroom) and wanders down the hall to the bathroom going to the toilet all the way. I try to impress on him that he cannot take the pants off!!! I have told him to wake me when he needs to

His caregiver today (who is a fund of great ideas) has suggested that I put George in a onesie at nights as he is unable to manage taking these off on his own and will need to wake me to do this and I can therefore get him into the toilet before he takes his pants down.

Got one of these today so we can see how it goes.

He loved his day outing with his son but also had toilet issues. I am now putting him the full continence pants all the time.

Son's visit

George's son arrived on Thursday night in the middle of a storm, poor buggar was soaking wet. George got a huge surprise and was really thrilled. I had some food ready for him which he was pleased about. The two of them have spent a lot of time chatting about old times which is great. It has been lovely for me to have him here too and have someone to relax with and chat to. We have been having some really good chats and enjoying each other's company.

We have been to Sumner, Lyttelton and the new cathedral. I love the cathedral and it moves me each time I go in it. George's son felt the same.

Today they have gone to Akaroa for the day which is lovely as it gives me some me time - just had a spa and will have a soak in the bath. I have a red wine stew in the slow cooker for tea when they get in.

Had some toilet issues last night and luckily was changing the sheets today instead of yesterday (which I normally do). The continence pants saved to some extent but certainly not all.

Yesterday at Mum's home, they told me that she no longer displays Alzheimer's behaviours and should be in a general hospital level of care. I told them I did not agree and gave a lot of reasons why. To move her and the people she knows is just plain cruel.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

An exciting Easter

George had a good night last night with no problems!! Wonderful.

His eldest son arrives tonight from Sydney for a few days. George does not know so he is going to be so excited. It is great that he is coming now as George still knows everyone and can carry on a good conversation. It will be interesting to see what he thinks of his father's condition.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Learning to cope

I now have George wearing continence pants which are working better however with either the pants or the pads when they get wet he just takes them off and dumps them on the floor somewhere. At night, if I wake up and see this has happened I immediately wake him and put more on. One just needs to be vigilant and monitor their movements.

While he loves to go out at home he will just sit and sleep on the sofa. He also just waits to be fed!! In order to stimulate them it is important to find the time to do things with them such as:

  • looking at and discussing photos
  • quoits
  • dominoes
  • scrabble
  • jigsaws
  • making cards
  • doing a mosaic
These will encourage memory and language.

Sunday, April 13, 2014


George is having more trouble knowing what to do. Today he got the butter out of the fridge and tried to slice off some (thought it was cheese). I had his lunch on the table and said 'your lunch is on the table'. He got up so I thought that he had gone to have it, but no. I hear a funny noise and find him getting out cracker biscuits. I asked about his lunch and he couldn't find it. I told him it was on the table and went over to the table. He came over but didn't sit down. I said to sit on the seat and he asked where the seat was (in front of him). I patted it so he knew where to go.

He can no longer go on the bus to Brighton. His world is becoming smaller.

Saturday, April 12, 2014


In the last post I spoke about the routines in relation to the person with Alzheimer's. I also find it important to have a routine for myself which works around him. For example I check and clean up any mess in the house as soon as I wake up, I wash towels on Friday, bed linen on Saturday (before going to the home to Mum). There are times when I can go and have a coffee with friends e.g. Monday or Thursday around 10.30.

As a caregiver there are times when you want to let off steam. Most others don't want to hear and don't understand. Other people just want to think you are quite happy in your situation or will tell you things such as 'we all have our challenges' which is of course quite true. I think that part of the problem is that none of us ever sign up for this role (I can't say it was ever something I considered). Other people who are in the same situation (or have been in a similar situation) have an understanding as do the people at the Alzheimer's, it is better for everyone just to talk frankly to these people.

It is important to take the time to enjoy the odd little special times as they arise.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Spoke too soon

I spoke to soon when I wrote on the blog yesterday. George was very confused all day and not feeling well. I put him back to bed for a while and then during the afternoon spent a lot of time chatting to him.

I find that routine is best. Each day I get George breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. After tea I get him ready for bed and then put on a DVD of his choosing.

Monday: caregiver to shower and dress. Julie ( a caregiver) takes him out for an hour and they go to have coffee (costs me $10). 3rd Monday in the month to Alzheimer's coffee at Wigram

Tuesday: caregiver to shower and dress. Harakeke club - 10.30. I drop him and go and see Mum. After I have seen Mum I do any shopping and then come home. I take a child for reading later in the afternoon and then George comes home in the van.

Wednesday: caregiver to shower and dress.

Thursday: caregiver to shower and dress. Harakeke club - 10.30. I get the groceries and come home. Later I have coffee with a friend and then pick George up from the club (about 2.30 - 3)

Friday: caregiver to shower and dress. Go to see a friend who is recovering from an operation. 3rd Friday in the month Alzheimer's memory group. Last Friday in the month Alzheimer's coffee afternoon for East siders

Saturday: I get George dressed. I go the home to visit mum. At present George is OK to stay at home alone. I try to get all towels and sheets washed before I go in the morning

Sunday: I get George dressed.

By having them in routine it seems to give them structure.

Do you ever have those days when you are not feeling well and just want to spend the day in bed? As the sole caregiver I can't do that. I am just getting over a cold and chest infection. I have found that the only thing you can do is get an hour in here and there (usually that is not actually when you really feel you want it) and go to bed early.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Continence pads

We had a good night using these and so I relaxed. Big mistake. Last night he took the pants off and just left his pyjamas on. He wet those but luckily not the bed. He came back to bed with no protection and unfortunately I was asleep. I realised what had happened when I found his wet clothes on the floor. Got him up and put another pad on him quickly. Later he wet that but then it was time to get up and as it was also time for the caregiver I put protection on the couch and a rug over him until he had a shower (about 10 minutes later).

It is such as strange disease as some days George is still able to hold a great conversation about all that is going on in the world and another day is just 'not with it'.

We have had a ring  and one of his sons is coming to see him which will be a real thrill for him. I have not told him as he has no sense of time and would expect it to happen NOW.

I am so pleased that this son is coming to see him before he goes further downhill as he will be able to have a good time with his father at this point.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Deal breaker

George is getting worse. Last night he needed to change 3 times but luckily did not wet or soil anything but his clothes and the continence pad. He then just takes wet stuff off and drops them and puts clean ones on. I have rung the Continence clinic this morning and talked to them about the problems. We are now trying full continence pants but it may be a struggle to keep them on.

He is not able to get any food for himself (this has been for a long time) and often shadows me. Those with Alzheimer's want attention when they want it and do not realise you may also have other things to do. We are coping at the moment but the reality is that I may not be able to soon. When he goes into a home that will cost me 50000 a year which is quite substantial.

He loves to socialise and is quite happy to have someone chatting to him all the time....

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Problem solving

This morning George was sitting on the couch and I had his coffee and pills on the table in front of him. I said to him not to forget them. He replied:

"I can't reach them"

I had to tell him to stand up and get them...

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Didn't work

My great idea with the feet at the toilet didn't work!! I do try so hard to be patient but...

I had to sit George down and go over some new rules about using the toilet!

  1. He does not take his pants off unless he is in the toilet
  2. He sits down to use the toilet
I felt awful as George knows that things have gone wrong and he tries so hard to 'do it right'. He gets quite upset when I have to say things like this so I have to make light of it and do it as nicely as possible.

These rules have made a difference so far (fingers crossed)

He does love going to Harakeke club where he is interacting with others who face the same problems as he does. They play games such as quoits which he enjoys.  These are wonderful for those with Alzheimer's although some do not fit in.