Sunday, January 25, 2015

Poor Mum

It is heart-breaking to see your mother in this condition. Apparently people have been known to last for up to 2 weeks. It is hard on her and hard on you watching it.

My sisters are here and have taken over sitting with her all the time. I go in a couple of times a day to see her. I do not know what she is aware of but I am sure she knows we are there and she loves touch and reacts to the sound of our voice.

Death is a very difficult time for anyone and all each of us can do is what our own conscience is comfortable with. I have always gone with this. When my father died I knew it would be a difficult time for my mother so to be alone in the house so I decided that I would leave home every morning early enough to go to her on my way to work and have a cup of coffee with her to help her get through this. I know that I did not HAVE to but I would have found it difficult to live with myself if I didn't do it. I also felt that I would be letting Dad down. Mum did mention once that she had not felt alone because of this.

I took George in with me today and put him the lounge with a coffee. On the way out he wanted to know 'where the lady of the hour' was. I wonder if he thought it was her birthday, not sure on that one.


  1. Di,

    I am so sorry everyone has to go through this. The one consolation is of course that all things pass. Still, the passing through part is painful.

    I really don't know how you cope with all of this with so little support. You are one amazing woman.

    I hope your mom goes fast, but that's not in our hands. I am 100% sure that she knows you are all around her, and that's a good and important thing.

    Sending you love and positive thoughts from Canada.

    XOX Susan

  2. Thank you for your support. People are very kind too aren't they and many people do their best to support us in all sorts of ways. I will need to post about this - none of us is an island and none of us can do it all however much we try. I admit I never put my hand up for any of this nor do I see any of it coming, it just arrived and I just coped the best I could, that's all you can do.

    Frankly reading your blog I find you an amazing lady and when you explained how events lad to where you are now I could relate to your journey to get there.

    As I think you will imagine this is a time of relief for me as well as the sadness and honestly I can now remember her as she was before all this, something I found hard to for some time

