Thursday, December 18, 2014


I have been struggling with the bloody catheter all week. I am also struggling with everything I have to do. Tonight with a call from someone who could talk me through it I now have it sused on how to put on the night bag.

This morning George's caregiver arrived about 9.15. During his shower some workers on the road turned off the water! Just what you need. Once he was ready we went off to the memory clinic end of year coffee. Next it was to Mum's home. Stayed there for some time. Today mum was awake and then asleep in equal time frames during this time.

On the way to Brighton George was obviously in pain so I took him home, gave him more painkillers ( he had his medication while we were at the home). I emptied the bag for the third time today which shows he is getting those fluids through. I then put him on the bed and put on a DVD. I then went and did the things I needed to get done, post mail, get groceries, order meat, order flowers for Mum, get petrol for example. By the time I got home I needed to get the washing on as I was not able to get it done this morning. I then had to get on with tea.

George had a good sleep while I was out so that was good. I am now off to get him ready for bed.

I must say I am flat out but achieving very little. I rather panic when I think of all I need to do in the next few days so I try hard not to think about it. Unfortunately a lot of time is spent unproductively as I am with either Mum or George. I did have it all worked out as to what had to be done and when I would be able to fit it in but unfortunately the last two weeks have thrown everything out and with only be to do everything I doubt if I am going to achieve what I need to do.

No rest for the wicked ( I was wicked in a past life as I don't have time to be wicked).

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