Thursday, December 4, 2014

Bottom lip day

Thank God another dry night however -

The bottom lip is slack today! Won't go into the detail that the poor caregiver had to put up with but very pleased that it wasn't me dealing with it!

I took George with me to Mum's home today as our friend is in hospital and I will be going again tomorrow. When George is like this he fits right in! Took him to the barber on the home.

On returning home George needed to go to the toilet which he did but I had to clean him up and change him. On days with the slack bottom lip he gets more and more confused.  Someone told me I would know how to deal with George's incontinence as I had had a child to deal with! Let me tell you that dealing with a child is nothing like dealing with an adult - use your own imagination on this front. Enough to say it is not pleasant. Plastic gloves and make sure you have good cleaners.

I find on days like this there is no point in trying to do much, just go with the flow and I also ensure that he has plenty to eat, jelly beans are good at getting the sugar level up which often helps.

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