Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I awoke this morning to George lying in bed going 'oo oo oo', and shaking so I said 'do you need to go to the toilet?'. 'Yes' he replied. 'Well go then' I said. Off he went.

I would say I was just in time as while he did not soil the bed some of his clothes were soiled and I have them soaking. The doctor gave me tablets for loose bowel motions so I have given him some of those.

Today I went to help a friend with a computer problem. George wanted to come so off we went. When we finished I couldn't find George and he had gone on out to the car. As we were leaving I asked him why. He said he wanted to go to the toilet. I said why hadn't he said but he didn't know. We stopped at a shopping mall to go and get a coffee and sometime to eat (and so George could go to the toilet). When I parked he told me he wouldn't make it. Off we drove and luckily just down the street I found a portaloo so pulled up right beside it and told George to move as fast as he could - about 3 steps - so off he went. That is a blessing, we still have portaloos around as some people still do not have proper toilets after all the earthquakes we have had here.

Before going anywhere I need to check he has been to the toilet (I did today before we went out). I guess all these things are pretty demoralising to the person involved.

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