Saturday, January 25, 2014


I find that the easiest way to cope is to have life in a routine. Not that that means much to George as he has no idea what is happening each day nor does he have any idea about what day it is until I tell him. I have learnt not to tell him in advance as he has no idea of time and if I tell him about something tomorrow he thinks it will happen in the near future (i.e. in a few minutes or at least later in the day).

I was speaking to someone else whose father is in the same home as Mum. Before he went into the home she had suggested that he leave his home and live with her. He agreed to this. She was leaving on a 10 day holiday at this time and they decided that he would move in sometime after she returned. She was thinking several weeks or even months however he had a suitcase packed the next day ready and this continued while she was away (she has a lot of other family members here who were going out to check on him daily). As soon as she returned she realised that she needed to have him live with her straight away which he did willingly. Unfortunately he straight away became more and more confused with the unfamiliar surroundings to the point where he needed to go into a home (this was in a really short space of time).

These people need familiar surroundings and routine to help them feel less confused. The world must be a very confusing place for them.

My poor mother continues to deteriorate and it is hard to see much quality of life left for her, it is heart-breaking to watch.

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