Monday, January 13, 2014

Poo day

After the earthquakes we had no power, water, sewage for weeks. People were very inventive in making outside toilets and portaloos were placed everywhere. Poo was very much part of our daily conversations. Stopping people using the inside toilets as they did not understand was a mission. I even had someone go to the toilet before they left our home and we had no water to get rid of the poo in the toilet!! Very nice. Even today the sewage is not good and we have a big tank in our driveway and a poo truck comes each day to empty it - shades of the old long drop toilets.

It is still very much on my mind now.

Luckily George's caregiver came very early this morning as the washing I need to do today is a huge amount and I want to get it done before taking him to his club and going to see Mum.

When I got up this morning I found poo all the way down the hall and all over the toilet floor. I am so pleased I have the steam cleaners. Got the floors cleaning immediately and gathered up clothes I found that were soiled - George was still in bed. He has soiled the bed and a pile of clothes (I think he just continually changes his clothes including 2 pairs of pyjama pants, 4 pairs of underpants, 2 pairs of trousers). Something I have found with those with Alzheimer's is that they are not at all worried by this, they just seem to take it in their stride and show no embarrassment. They do not seem to understand although he does know to go in the toilet (I guess where most of it goes) the fact that it is everywhere else does not worry him.

All of this is not easy for the caregiver let me tell you and of course there is no one you can explain this all to.

P.S. Just got home from visiting Mum. What I did not realise was that George went to the toilet just before we left - steam cleaning toilet floor and hall floor again...

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