Saturday, July 2, 2016

Doing his own thing

George has always lived his life to the beat of his own drum. He has always been very slow doing things, he has been rarely on time for anything and he refuses to be hurried. Several decades ago I worked out strategies to get around these idiosyncrasies. I always told him that we had to somewhere at an earlier time than we needed to be somewhere. I NEVER tried to to get him to be quicker - if I did he went slower...

His son always said the only times he was on time was for planes and trains because they won't wait.

He is now training the people in the home. Certainly it is in different ways but he gets up when he wants to get up not at a time that is convenient for anyone else. If the caregiver tries to get him to be quicker while he is having his shower he goes slower and will complain that this or that is sore. 

Yesterday, after they had tried to hurry him he just moved slower and slower with difficulty. They took him to the lounge in a wheelchair - who won that round. I arrived not long afterwards and his mobility was fine! 

One way or another he still goes to the beat of his own drum.

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