Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Out we go

George was not dressed when I got to his home today. The carer gave him a shower while I had a coffee and did the sudoku in the morning paper. I must say the carers are very efficient. One of the carers had broken his brush. Another carer has lost the blades out of his electric razor (these are very expensive). I must say that many of the carers just put the broken things away and do not mention when they are broken, very annoying.

As soon as George was ready we got ready and left. I made arrangements for his lunch to be held for him.

George asked how I knew how to open the main door. I told him I was magic! He liked that. He was able to open the car door and get into the car without any help. As we were going down the road the first thing he did was open the jar of peppermints to get a couple. I have always kept a jar in the car for George and Mum and it has always been the first thing they do when they get into the car.

We went to a local mall where he had a milkshake and a bowl of chips. He throughly enjoyed them. I asked if he enjoyed going out.

'It's spooky' was the reply.

Despite further questioning I am not too sure what he meant.

I bought a new hair brush for him while we were there.

When we got back I settled him for lunch.

He had a lovely time but I expect he was pretty tired after his outing.

Going out helps to give a quality of life.

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