Friday, December 6, 2013

Time for me

I do try to have time for things I would like to do but it is easy to say but the reality is a bit different. Other people have very interesting ideas about how I can manage juggling all this. For example I have volunteered to go to the prison to teach reading. (It is something I believe in doing and I think that everyone who is able to should give back something to the community through voluntary work.)

The induction is this week and they will not let you in if you are late. There is no flexibility for the day or the time.  I will be cutting it very fine as I also have to work around the caregiver and then drop George at his club before setting out for the prison... If I don't get there in time I will have to withdraw as this is the only time that they run these sessions. This is the sort of thing that happens that makes me very aware of how alone I am and how everyone else's needs come first. Unfortunately all our friends work and I no longer have any family here so I do not have anyone to call on to help.

Today I went tot the home to spend time with mum. I dropped George in Brighton so he go for a coffee and morning tea. He caught up bus home but got lost in Rocking Horse Road. Luckily someone I knew saw him and brought him home. I am going to have to try to stop him going on the bus. It looks like I may not be able to leave him on his own at all.

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