Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Need to slow down

today I went back to the doctor for the bandage to be changed and the wound to be checked. I took in wine and chocolate for the staff to thank them for the wonderful treatment. Apparently the doctor who stitched me up - it was his first day at the centre! What a welcome! Frankly I don't remember that at all.

After the doctor I went and spent time with George. He is certainly confused at the moment. I put some of his lunch and told him to put it into his mouth, "how do I do that?".

From there it was off to the lawyer to get a paper signed and finally home nearly five hours later.

I was buggered and very trembly, resting ever since. I will be with George on Xmas Day but I am not going tomorrow - I need to get myself right or I am no good to anyone. On Saturday a Community nurse is coming to change the bandage again. I will also need to ring the medical centre to find out when the stitches come out.

It never rains but it pours.