Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Back to bed

George got up this morning and had his coffee and was watching the Olympic games on TV. I was doing various things like dressing etc. When I went back into the lounge and no George!! Found him - he had gone back to bed and was asleep...

With the white board which I keep on the wall so he can see what is on each day I have found now that I need to keep it very simple or otherwise he gets very confused. I have on it:
  • the day - he is never sure what day of the week it is so he checks that constantly
  • what is happening that day (just one or two things)
and that is all that is on there. It saves a lot of confusion for him, he can only cope with one or two things at a time and seeing more things up there becomes very confusing for him; for example I used to have a column where I had things that were coming up and he kept going to that column (on the right of the white board) rather than the day (which I had on the left). Now I just have the one column.

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