Saturday, November 2, 2013

Signs of Alzheimer's

I have noticed that when George is showing more signs of confusion than usual it is when his bottom lip goes slack. I have noticed this on many of those with the disease. At times like this it is very difficult to leave them alone.

George has been like this most of the weekend. He often sits and goes through papers, pulling stuff out, cutting things out of magazines and papers to add to his piles of stuff. He also requires being fed at regular intervals; for example he needs at least half a dozen biscuits or several muffins for morning and afternoon tea as well as a proper lunch and tea. His arms and legs are extremely thin although his torso is not.

Today I was out mowing the lawn. After I put the mower away he went and got it out again for me to mow the lawns (helping me!!). He had left a pair of socks on the sofa in the lounge and I asked him if they were dirty and if so to put them in the washing machine for me. I then saw him stuffing one sock way down inside the other; why I am not too sure.

Mum is now very thin although she is still eating well. She is no longer able to walk or stand and sits in a chair all day. Often she stays asleep while I am there although she eats with her eyes closed. Other times she is awake and alert. At times she will have a lucid moment but these are few and far between; most of the time she garbles as she has lost most of the language. She appears to listen and likes me reading nursery rhymes to her. Some days her eyes are glazed but other days they are focused on what is happening and on you. Unfortunately when she is alert she also becomes anxious and grabs at things and at you.


  1. So sad Di, when I think of the woman your mother was. You are amazing what you are doing for both her and "George"

  2. It is sad for both of them but also for family as it is hard to watch them deteriorating and there is nothing you can do.

    Thanks so much for thinking of us
