Saturday, October 19, 2013


Something I have been lucky to have all my life is a good memory (not photographic - as a child I remember thinking this would be advantageous for exams). Quite a few friends I went to school with will email or phone me with queries and they always say how I had a good memory and they know that I will remember. I have always found it strange that people don't remember when they start talking about it.

I am not sure why this is. I know that some people have very selective memories and only remember what they want to remember or what is most advantageous to them. Just like two people can be involved in the same event but have a very different perspective on it.

Others 'do not clutter their minds with trivia'...

George had a good memory for sports facts and about games he had watched as well as a good general knowledge. I wander if this is helping him now?

I wander if this will help to stave off Alzheimer's? I haven't found anything to support this but it would be interesting.

Mind you having said all that I do find that I am rushing around everywhere trying to get things done and organised and tend then to dump things of my own down and then can't remember where I have put them!!!

I organise something and then am out in the garden or mowing lawns or tidying another part of the house and the next thing George has stuff everywhere again so it starts again. This is called 'multitasking' on my part - trying to please so many people and feeling like I am pleasing none.

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