Friday, October 26, 2012

Week away working

George stayed in the home while I was away working. He took his memory book with him and showed it to a lot of the people in the home. He is really proud of it. One morning he woke up in another room, luckily it doesn't appear that someone else was there. Someone took him back to his own room.

I have a lot of work for the next three weeks which is not easy with mum and George to cope with. This morning I had to go to take mum out even though I was pretty tired. People think that those with Alzheimer's don't know if you go in or not - not true. We have someone going to mum every day and she knows if I don't go... This is where it is so difficult having no support here in Christchurch. My two sisters come over for a few days at a time and take mum out and George's son has been down once and taken him out but the rest of the time I am coping on my own - looking after them, taking George to all the places he wants to go to, housework, gardening, cooking, mowing all the lawns - it is a lot to do plus I have to remove the stuff from our old house and try to deal with EQC and the insurance company.  Not an easy life at the moment.

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