Monday, August 13, 2012

Take their time

I rang EQC (these people deal with damage caused by the earthquakes)  last Thursday (today is Tuesday). They told me that someone would contact me within 72 hours - they didn't tell me that weekends didn't count - the pipes don't know that bit!! Yesterday I also rang the council and they were not hopeful that anything would be done for a while as now we have flooding in Christchurch - just what I need!!

George is off to his club today and at the moment is going out and and coming back in - looking for the person who comes to help him in the mornings. He is not due for another half an hour.

George has a great deal of problems knowing what day of the week it is. I write it on the whiteboard for him every day but he looks at it as if I have got it wrong. This morning he was watching TV and then came in to me very excited - he told me that one of the announcers was like him as he had got the day wrong too (Tamati; George reckons he said Wednesday instead of Tuesday - I was not watching so can't comment.

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