Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Deaths this year

This year we have had a difficult year due to the earthquakes and during winter, snow storms. When the big earthquake struck many rest homes were badly hit and the residents had to be moved out, many right out of the city. There are still not enough beds for the elderly here and so more money is being channeled into trying to keep them in their own homes.

In this mornings paper was an article discussing some research that has been done about the residents who were moved out of the rest homes. Of those people 1 in 5 have died this year.

A fifth of rest-home residents evacuated from Christchurch after the February earthquake have died, health board figures show.

By last week, 104 people out of 520 residents moved because of damage to their Christchurch rest homes had died.

Of those, 54 had been moved to homes outside Christchurch, including some in the lower North Island. Fifty were moved within the region.

I wonder if the number of deaths in rest homes this year is greater than usual.

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