We are having the most wonderful weather, very mild even though we have just passed the shortest day of the year. The ski fields haven't been able to open, lack of snow. I am not moaning.
I have been enjoying sunrises and sunsets up at the old house. I have missed these so much. I enjoy watching them and thinking of my loved ones.
George's name tags arrived on Monday (I couldn't find the other ones - packed away) so I have been getting stuff named for George. As with Mum I take in body wash for him. People in homes seem to go through it very quickly. I seem to need to get a new bottle every week and I get very large bottles.
Same as with Mum I am taking over bottles of drink so he gets plenty of fluid. Mum loved raspberry, lemonade, ginger ale, lemon and padrona, and tonic. George has the same tastes. George and Mum got on really well so it was nice for both of them. It is so nice for in laws to be as close as George was with my parents.
George was pretty lucid today which was great. We had a great talk about some of his friends and the things they did. He is currently on a course of antibiotics as he had a urinary infection, this causes people with Alzheimer's to become very confused.
I am gradually getting some things sorted and made a trip to the dump today, every little helps.