Saturday, May 23, 2015

Dealing with the problems associated with incontinence

On George's bed I have a mattress protector (waterproof) with an old towel and more plastic strips. Unfortunately George's bed can get wet/soiled right through to the mattress protector (these work well). This week I had to wash the mattress protector (and other bedding) twice. I am now putting the mattress protector on the bed with the plastic sheeting on top so that if that gets soiled/wet I can spot clean sometimes rather than wash the whole thing (these take time to dry).

This weekend took George to get his hair cut one day and out for coffee and a chicken and apricot pie. He loves to go out each day and really it is easier to do this otherwise he becomes restless and pulls stuff out and generally makes more mess.

I am noticing he sometimes has difficulty using cutlery. Today he carefully cut the pie into about 8 pieces and then started putting them on the table... I quickly told him that they do not go on the table but go into his mouth. I do need to keep an eye on him.

I was able to get a bit done in the garden over the weekend and filled my bin ready for the collection later this week.

On the positive side: yesterday he went to the toilet successfully (by himself) and there was no mess to clean up.

Everything varies from day to day.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The joys of incontinence

Each Monday a public health nurse visits to change George's day bag. These bags are changed weekly.

After the nurse changed the bag she came to tell me that she had not put a plastic sheet on the bed before George sat down. The result was that the comforter was now soiled so I had to wash that.

This morning the sheet was soiled - result was this needed washing.

George has been wearing pull-up diapers for some time now but that does not always ensure that things do not get soiled, you need to be vigilant to check for this. Unfortunately he sometimes tries to use the toilet as well which results in faeces on the seat and floor requiring steam cleaning quickly. I have a steam mop which I keep at the ready. I always keep cleaners and cloths in the toilet at the ready. These are only used in there and are well soaked before washing.

Each morning I take the night bag off, empty it in the toilet and then run the nozzle under the tap in the laundry to flush it out ready to use the next night. I have found that holding the nozzle at a 45 degree angle seems to be easiest to get water to go into the tube.

Saturday, May 16, 2015


Poor George is often very confused. He will check in each doorway when he is looking for a specific room (in the flat), he will turn to go down the hall when he is on his way to the car (it is the other way). In the car he can sometimes do up his seat belt but at other times grasps the wrong part of the seat belt and jam it. Sometimes he can open the car at the end of a drive and other times he can't and I have to do it.

Every day George has Breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and finally his evening meal. He really likes his food. What I can't fathom is why he leaves a bit off each biscuit (and often parts of other things too). I have explained to him that he can eat the lot but he persists in this behaviour for no apparent reason.

I have learnt to go with the flow....

Friday, May 15, 2015


Yesterday was my birthday. As other caregivers will know this doesn't mean much when you are looking after those with Alzheimer's. You always try to make their day special but it doesn't work the other way. George cut out pictures of beautiful women from magazines to give me. So sweet.

George had his club yesterday. On the way to the club I heard, on the radio, about Mt John station. The husband of one of my mother's friends was instrumental in setting this up so I started thinking about Mum and her friend.

I then had an appointment and while I was waiting picked up the paper and lo and behold on P3 was a big article about the husband of another of Mum's friends (now 90) who is giving advice to Nepal over building over there after their awful earthquakes.  I knew then Mum was with me.

Later that day I had coffee with a person who worked for Mum and Dad (it was also her birthday). I felt very much as though they were both there all day.

George continues to deteriorate but it fluctuates day by day; sometimes hour by hour. He can be very confused and an hour later be very lucid. As a caregiver you need to roll with the punches.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Importantance of caregivers

Unfortunately George's main caregiver was on annual leave for a fortnight.  So difficult. I found myself on the phone constantly trying to find out who was coming ( if anyone) and when they were coming. It took hours to sort out and there were times when they couldn't get staff. When a patient is incontinent the carers need to be coming every day, the risk of infection is high especially as he also has a catheter. I spent a day with George in the hospital with an infection. It is also incredibly confusing for George.

He is having more and more very confused days. There are times when he can't find his way around the flat and I have to show him where to go. Other times I need to show him where the table and his meal is. He then likes me to tell him what is on the plate.

Now the caregiver is back I am able to try to try to get some order back as well as trying to get things settled with EQC - very stressful.