Monday, August 20, 2012

Bad day

This morning George had breakfast and then was sitting in the lounge. He went to the toilet but didn't make it in time so had it all over the floor as well as soiling his clothes. Luckily the caregiver was coming in to give him a shower.

He had a lovely day and Julie came to take him out this afternoon. It has been raining all day so it was nice for him to go out and have a cup of coffee.

After tea George went to the toilet again and once again didn't get there in time. This time however it was not over the floor but in his clothes. I have suggested to him that half an hour after a meal he goes and sits on the toilet for a while to see if he can go. He is obviously leaving it too long before he goes.

Saturday, August 18, 2012


The match between Australia and New Zealand was televised last night at 11.30 so George stayed up to watch it. He loves the rugby and so it is great that he still has the concentration to watch a whole game.

He got himself a snack - left jars with lids off on the bench. I think he enjoyed it and it is now 10.30 a.m. and he is still asleep!!

 I am pleased that he is getting the sleep he requires.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Going out

I had to meet a student at 12 midday yesterday. George had Julie, a carer, coming to take him out at 1.00 p.m. Before I left I went over this with him several times and also put it on the whiteboard.

I got home at 1.30 p.m. to find George had gone - I thought with Julie. A couple of minutes later Julie arrived. She had been in earlier and found no one home so had come back.  We had a cup of coffee while we waited. I had to assume that he had taken himself down to Brighton but was not sure.

He arrived home at 3.30 - he had been to Brighton. He told me he waited until 1.30 and Julie hadn't arrived so he went to Brighton. He has no idea of time - Julie came before this time and I got home at 1.30.

This is a real worry as I am not too sure where he is. If he continues to do this sort of thing it is going to be increasingly difficult to leave him on his own.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Take their time

I rang EQC (these people deal with damage caused by the earthquakes)  last Thursday (today is Tuesday). They told me that someone would contact me within 72 hours - they didn't tell me that weekends didn't count - the pipes don't know that bit!! Yesterday I also rang the council and they were not hopeful that anything would be done for a while as now we have flooding in Christchurch - just what I need!!

George is off to his club today and at the moment is going out and and coming back in - looking for the person who comes to help him in the mornings. He is not due for another half an hour.

George has a great deal of problems knowing what day of the week it is. I write it on the whiteboard for him every day but he looks at it as if I have got it wrong. This morning he was watching TV and then came in to me very excited - he told me that one of the announcers was like him as he had got the day wrong too (Tamati; George reckons he said Wednesday instead of Tuesday - I was not watching so can't comment.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Just what I need

We have a huge hole in the driveway, I did not know what it was. It is caused by the sewerage pipes being badly damaged due to the earthquake.

I rang EQC on Thursday and was told that it would be dealt with within 72 hours. After 72 hours was up I rang EQC and found that weekends don't count!! I wish our sewerage knew that. It is pouring with rain and there is no way that George can understand this so I am going to have to wait until it is fixed and then clean up the mess.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


George has great difficulty choosing appropriate clothes. Last night  went to sleep before he came to bed. He wore his shirt and a singlet under his pyjama top and then he pulled trousers on over his pyjama bottoms!!

In the early hours he got up and turned around, he then started to come back to bed. I asked if he needed to go to the toilet. He told me he had just been and went back to sleep.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Not too sure how things are...

This morning I had a doctor's appointment so while George's helper was here to give him a shower and get him dressed I went down. When I got home George was back in bed. He had been dizzy in the shower and was very slow with understanding etc. I have been keeping an eye on him all day - he got up about lunch time but keeps going to sleep and has been very white. Later in the day someone came round to see him and took him out for a while which was nice.

I have organised for George to go into a home for a few days respite care. While he is there I am going to the Coast to do some visiting in schools which will be lovely.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Carrot and stick approach

Last night, before bed, I told George that if we had a good night (no soiled pants) we would go out for coffee in the morning. He went to bed early (after going to the toilet) and had a good sleep. He did get up to go to the toilet during the night but no mishaps.

I think that we will make this a regular thing and see if the positive reinforcement works.

Friday, August 3, 2012


I was so pleased with the way George was coping with toileting - too good to last!!

Last night I was asleep, woke up and found George in the lounge with most of his clothes off. He had soiled his pants again.  I am so disappointed as I thought that I had got him into a regular routine and that things had improved. I was hoping to be able to take him away for a night or two but that looks increasingly difficult. I will go to the doctor on Monday and get some more pills for him.