Friday, May 4, 2012

Wall to wall moaning

I am putting George into a rest home next Thursday and he will stay there for a week for respite care. The Government pays for people like George to go to a rest home for periods so that the care giver is able to have some time out. I have been given 28 days a year for George. It is not as generous as it sounds as the day they go in and the day they come home are counted so for a week it works out at 10 days. He is going to  a nice rest home called Beckenham Courts. We went to have a look at it recently and he liked what he saw. He will have his own room with an ensuite. I am sure he will like it. At the moment I am trying to get things ready as I have to name everything that he takes in - this is actually quite a big job. George has also been getting together things he wants to take. This morning he started telling me he didn't think it was a good idea for him to go there. We then had a conversation about how he was going to enjoy it and it would be like a hotel. Then off I went to mum to be greeted by:

A tirade about how she was not going to forgive me for dumping her in there. I then gave her an ice cream which she loved. It was a cream freeze strawberry ice cream sundae. I also fed her up on all sorts of other things; truffles, chocolate fish, lamingtons etc. We then looked at all the pictures in a magazine and she was reasonably relaxed when I left over two hours later.

I have to say that I often lurch from one to the other.

Yesterday I spent two hours searching for my cameras; I knew that they were in a bag that I took in to mum but couldn't find them - thank god I suddenly remembered that I had taken in another bag one day. This is stress and trying to remember everything.

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