Saturday, December 24, 2016

Merry Christmas

I hope that people around the world are enjoying a lovely, relaxing Christmas.

I spent nearly four hours with George today. He was very confused. He did not know who I was. I told him I was Kewpie. He smiled and I asked if he knew who I was. He told me I was his wife. I talked to him about his boys but was just getting a blank look.

I remembered that I had downloaded a video yesterday from YouTube and compressed it to put it on my tablet (no internet at the home). I had put the tablet in my bag this morning to take to John. The video was taken nearly 30 years ago and had been on TV over here. It was John's son's band playing an original number of theirs.

I put the video on and showed him the tablet. His face lit up. He certainly remembered that and we then were able to talk about his last trip here and the things we had done. Visual stimulation, so powerful.

George can no longer use cutlery properly so I cut his food up and he uses a spoon. Often, like today, he is unable to put food onto the spoon so I do it and then he puts it in his mouth. They had a beautiful lunch with roast lamb, turkey, carrots, peas, pumpkin and roast potatoes followed by pavlova or steamed pudding. They have a vegetable garden at the home so the veges were fresh from the garden.

When I left he was sound asleep.

I had a community nurse round yesterday to change my dressing. She had forgotten to get a paper signed so came back today. She looked at it and decided to change it again. Someone is coming in tomorrow to change it again. Unfortunately my lower leg is swelling when I do anything so need to try to keep it up and drink plenty of water. I am taking Rescue remedy and Arnica. When your body goes into shock like mine did it takes some time to recover.

Time is a great healer. 

Friday, December 23, 2016


Shingles is not pleasant at the best of times but for someone with Alzheimer's it is not good. It causes more confusion and of course can be quite painful. It is difficult to know exactly how they are feeling as they are not too sure themselves. George no longer seems to be getting the very high temperatures which he was getting. That was a real problem as he was shivering as he felt freezing cold. We have had a cooling fan going to keep his room cool. He is taking painkillers regularly. His mobility is not good at all and he is not too keen on showering or getting dressed. One day, when he was particularly bad l got him up out of his chair (a mission which took about twenty minutes) and onto the bed. He flopped down and nearly fell off. Using my body I helped him wriggle in to the middle. He promptly fell asleep, very high temperature at the time.

You need to keep a very close eye at these times.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Need to slow down

today I went back to the doctor for the bandage to be changed and the wound to be checked. I took in wine and chocolate for the staff to thank them for the wonderful treatment. Apparently the doctor who stitched me up - it was his first day at the centre! What a welcome! Frankly I don't remember that at all.

After the doctor I went and spent time with George. He is certainly confused at the moment. I put some of his lunch and told him to put it into his mouth, "how do I do that?".

From there it was off to the lawyer to get a paper signed and finally home nearly five hours later.

I was buggered and very trembly, resting ever since. I will be with George on Xmas Day but I am not going tomorrow - I need to get myself right or I am no good to anyone. On Saturday a Community nurse is coming to change the bandage again. I will also need to ring the medical centre to find out when the stitches come out.

It never rains but it pours.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Peewee emerges

For over a week George has been suffering from shingles. While he has had this he is kept in isolation so I have been spending a lot of time with him. I am also taking DVDs for him to watch when I leave. He loved Mary Poppins and yesterday it was Casablanca which he loves. As can be expected he is more confused than usual. A week ago when I asked him who I was he couldn't get his tongue around Kewpie and it became Peewee.  It has remained Peewee ever since. Kewpie has morphed into Peewee.

Unfortunately I was in the garden yesterday when my leg slipped down and an old branch stabbed up into my leg, in the inner calf. The blood was gushing out including clots. I put some bandages around it which did not stem the flow of blood. I got into the car and drove to the doctors. Once there I fainted and my body went into shock. Very nice. A couple of times I came round to hear the doctor saying she couldn't find a pulse. I was sweating profusely and unable to move. Very scary! The ambulance came and took me to hospital. I was hooked up and luckily enough was better enough to go home to my own bed after about six hours. When I was asked who they could ring I was very aware there is no one here, it is just me. Luckily I have some good neighbours and friends. For the last 6 years I have been here for Mum and George but I am on my own.

VERY quiet today.

Monday, December 12, 2016

6 month review

Over here, Down Under, caregivers have a 6 monthly review with the RN at the home. 

I had my first one for George yesterday. It is well known that many people deteriorate when they go into a home. This did not happen with Mum and nor is it happening with George. The RN and I think that is probably due to the constant visits that George has from me. Mum too, had visitors every day. While obviously this does not mean that the disease won't progress it seems to go at a slower rate.  George's mobility continues to be a problem, depending on the day however he hasn't had a fall for a long time. His skin is very fragile and will bruise or bleed just by bumping against something. There are days where he really won't stand and walk around and others where he is fine although always slow... 

The home will not give any pill or drops etc without the say so of the Doctor. I am getting Arnica and Rescue Remedy so the doctor can chart these so George can be given these as required. 

George eats well when he is having a good day but on a not so good day he just moves the food around. This has been going on for about a year. The RN feels that the milkshakes I take in contribute to George not losing weight which is good. 

This is so similar to Mum. As I am in and out all the time I know what is going on so there are no surprises. 

Good that we are keeping the status quo at this stage.