Saturday, January 18, 2014

Follow through

One of the things that many people don't realise is the importance of following through on what you promise someone with Alzheimer's. It is a funny disease and you never know what they are going to remember and when they get something into their head they are like a dog with a bone.

Yesterday I went to see Mum and she was awake and alert. She is eating and drinking well but kept pulling at her trouser leg. Massaging helps to keep her calm and settled. I have also found some lovely crystal balls with a lavender smell as air fresheners. I have put a jar of these under her bed to help relax her at night. They have a lovely smell.

I had organised things for George before I left so that he would be OK (I always hope). He was; but the first thing he said to me was that his youngest son had not rung. We had not mentioned it that morning but he had rung the night before to say he would ring at 4. I explained that it was not 4 yet. This was repeated a lot during the afternoon. 4 came and went and I was having to keep going and trying to divert him. I was praying that the phone call would come. Eventually it did at 5 so I was able then to breathe a sigh of relief.

Mum was just the same.

I never tell George anything about where we are going or what is going to happen until not long before the event will take place otherwise he expects it NOW. If something is going to happen in several days time he will get ready for it every day until it happens.

I often think it is things that are really important to them.

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